Wednesday, May 18, 2011

'Suckas' get a hold of your mind!

A sucka is a person out to do harm to me or someone I love. Someone who hates more than they love; you shouldn't be hating at all really. Someone who is sneaky & conniving. a liar. Some of you suckas' believe your own lies because you are so determined to tell that lie; you consider your lie the truth which is not right. Wake up, open your eyes and REPENT. For you have became another child of Sin. I will not be a victim of your bad ways but I will overcome and I will prevail. Stay away from these suckas' or catch their disease; as simple as that sucka!
"You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies." - John 8:44

Another Day, Another Joint

A short poem about my day.
Another Day, Another Joint - Daren Thompson

I rouse this morning to missed call after call but I was unable to call back.
I looked in my wallet
I was low on my cash
I forgot to pay my phone bill
So I am forced to contemplate whether to get dressed or chill
No texting, no calling, no school, no work, no nothin'
But I almost forgot. I still have a little somethin'
Now I may not smoke tobacco and destroy my lungs
Just Another Day, Another Joint for when I'm too far-flung
Another Swisher, Another blunt of this purplish-green bud
Inhale and exhale. Now everything seems so fun
Reality is pain and everyone needs a break
So when you wake from your sleep
Another Day, Another Joint.
Oh yes, Another Joint.
It eases the mind.
Am I making my point?

“That is not a drug. It’s a leaf.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger 

"Smoking herb reveals you to yourself." – Bob Marley

"The War on Drugs has been an utter failure. We need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana." - Barack Obama

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dealing with Psycho Ex's

Overtime I've had to deal with some pretty psychotic women. Psychotic (n) A person suffering from a psychosis. (adj) Of, denoting, or suffering from a psychosis: "a psychotic disturbance". When I use the word psychotic I mean emotionally unstable women, insecure women, etc. Women who are so damaged and/ or "so far gone" that they suffer from psychosis and end up making your life a living hell also. These women aren't hard to find; they're everywhere. At school, work, clubs, movie theaters, libraries; you get the point.

Yes fellas, our worst fear : psychotic ex's

Let me take you back to a time when I first encountered a "emotionally damaged" or "psychotic" female. Back in the 9th grade I decided I wanted a actual girlfriend, so like any other young male I went around campus searching for a girl of my interest. I met a girl who almost seemed perfect, she was funny, apparently smart, and was pretty fun to be around. We began to see each other outside of school and started to bond to one another. Then, I asked her out.

So when did things go wrong? We had been dating for a while now and I started to realize that this girl had some jealousy issues. Whenever I talked to another girl there was a problem. We argued almost on a daily basis which is normal in some cases and in some healthy relationships but me being a guy that does not enjoy arguing it was really starting to catch up to me (in the worst way). I was stressed. I had never been stressed before, but all of a sudden I hit high school status met a young attractive girl that I shared some things in common with and BOOM! Stress-free Daren is stressed!

I didn't realize how much she had began to change me... Some people would call this being "head-over-heels". Not exactly, being that I wasn't a very loyal boyfriend because like any other young male, I enjoyed picking up girls with pick-up lines with my friends at the mall. It was not always like this, she had driven me to this point. Even though, we were "in love", she was changing me for the worst.

I learned that some things aren't meant to be and even when we don't agree with something, sometimes it has to be done; I had finally came to my conscious after 3 and a half long years of dating and decided to end our relationship for good. Ending a relationship with a psychotic girlfriend can sometimes be an impossible task because for some reason they can't accept the fact you have left them and they can not let go of you.

What was now my ex-girlfriend became my worst enemy. She just wouldn't let go. She even stalked me sometimes. When dealing with psycho ex's ignore them; never give in, this will just open the door back up for them to continue to be PSYCHO! Never tell a girl you love her unless you truly mean it and when choosing your next girlfriend find out who she is before proceeding to second base. Chances are she could be a future psycho ex!

Now that I am older I can end a relationship without it seeming too harsh. The 'girls' I talk to now are women and there are some emotional issues here and there but they are not psycho. I learned how to stay away from those type of girls.

Let the seasons determine who you shall be with because what may appear as an angel may just be another Heather Mills! LOL!